These 5th and 6th graders had a great day at Team Quest!
almost 5 years ago, Renae Killion
Team Quest
Team Quest
Team Quest
Team Quest
Morgan, Wessley, Treyten, and Gabe are ready for Team Quest!
almost 5 years ago, Reena Peppenhorst
team quest
Kindergarten-2nd really enjoyed watching Frozen today!
almost 5 years ago, Kristin Trumbo
1st-2nd enjoyed it too!
We loved the movie!
Mrs. Kleiboeker visited 1st grade today to present an AG in the Classroom lesson. Her lesson today was about the importance of manure. She shared a book, "Everything on the Farm Poops" written by Centralia native Kelly Lee Culbreth.
almost 5 years ago, Diane Hodapp
AG in the Classroom
Congratulations to the peewee boys 2nd place consolation at the Kell tournament.
almost 5 years ago, Trish Timmons
Boys Basketball (5th-8th Grade) Monday January 20th 2:00-4:00 Tuesday January 21st @ Hoyleton Wednesday January 22nd 3:30-5:30 Thursday January 23rd Home vs Patoka (8th Grade Night)
almost 5 years ago, Josh Linville
Friday January 17th is a 12:00 p.m. dismissal and there is not school on Monday January 20th.
almost 5 years ago, Trish Timmons
We would like all parents to complete the following survey before February 14th. Thank You for your help.
almost 5 years ago, Dave Fults
Our JV Scholar Bowl team has been showing fantastic teamwork! Great job guys!!
almost 5 years ago, Kristi Smith
Wednesday January 15th is a 2:00 p.m. dismissal
almost 5 years ago, Trish Timmons
Last night our Varsity Scholar Bowl team won both matches against Raccoon and St. Mary's. WGS vs Raccoon 80 to 20 WGS vs St. Mary's 90 to 40
almost 5 years ago, Trish Timmons
Scholar Bowl
Boys Varsity Irvington Invitational
almost 5 years ago, Josh Linville
Jan 13-16
1st grade enjoying our Teacher Student Spelling activity to practice our weekly spelling words for tomorrow's test. Each group showed great teamwork.
almost 5 years ago, Diane Hodapp
1st grade enjoying our Teacher Student Spelling activity to practice our weekly spelling words for tomorrow's test. Each group showed great teamwork.
1st grade enjoying our Teacher Student Spelling activity to practice our weekly spelling words for tomorrow's test. Each group showed great teamwork.
1st grade enjoying our Teacher Student Spelling activity to practice our weekly spelling words for tomorrow's test. Each group showed great teamwork.
1st grade enjoying our Teacher Student Spelling activity to practice our weekly spelling words for tomorrow's test. Each group showed great teamwork.
1st grade enjoying our Teacher Student Spelling activity to practice our weekly spelling words for tomorrow's test. Each group showed great teamwork.
almost 5 years ago, Diane Hodapp
1st grade enjoying our Teacher Student Spelling activity to practice our weekly spelling words for tomorrow's test. Each group showed great teamwork.
1st grade enjoying our Teacher Student Spelling activity to practice our weekly spelling words for tomorrow's test. Each group showed great teamwork.
Boys Basketball (5th-8th Grade) January 6 Game vs Field January 7 3:30-5:30 January 8 Game @ Selmaville January 9 3:30-5:30 January 10 No Practice
almost 5 years ago, Josh Linville
Reminder for 5th-8th grade girls- Tryouts will be: January 6 3:30-5 January 7 5:30-7:30 January 8 3:30-5 Further practices are TBD. Please plan on being present each day unless you have a basketball game/cheer.
almost 5 years ago, Reena Peppenhorst
Boys Basketball (5th-8th Grade) Thursday Jan 2nd Practice 9:00-11:00 Saturday Jan 4th Practice 9:00-11:00
almost 5 years ago, Josh Linville
Congratulations to Rhonda Mayer on her retirement from Willow Grove! We will miss you, Rhonda!
about 5 years ago, Renae Killion
Third grade is enjoying their hot chocolate in their PJs while they watch The Polar Express!
about 5 years ago, Reena Peppenhorst
hot chocolate
Kindergarten parents, this note didn’t make it into the folder today. Remember to have your kids wear PJ’s for Polar Express day!
about 5 years ago, Kristin Trumbo
Don’t forget!